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Father's Love

The gospel begins in the

book of Genesis.


God the Father walks with

his children, the ones he has

made, in the garden of Eden,

walking and talking with them in the cool of the day

He enjoys his offspring;

He loves to be with them;

He loves to see them grow;

He gives them responsibility and boundaries like any good Father


Then His children choose to believe in another father, the father of lies.

Disobedience, guilt, shame and the knowledge of good and evil, enter their lives.

Separation, too, enters the garden and Father God loses His children as they turn to another.

Fellowship is lost.

And Father God, in an act of love, must send them out of the garden, lest they eat of the tree of life and remain this way forever.


Deep in the heart of the Father is a cry of love for His children.

That they would be saved from the mess they are in.

That they would be redeemed , brought back home. 

That they would be rescued from their fate.

That they would be in fellowship with Him again.

Deep within the Father is a cry to be with His children, and His children to be with Him again.


But how will Satan’s grasp be loosened.

How will legal rights be cancelled.

How will God the Father get His children back ?


Through Jesus’ Incarnation, life, death , Resurrection and Ascension.


And so we see that:

God initiates a plan to save mankind and to bring them home.

God so loves the world , He sends His Son to sort out the mess.

God the Father was ‘in Christ’ reconciling the world to Himself.

In Christ is Redemption, ( the buying back what once was His ).

In Christ is Ransom ( paying the price for our rescue, to bring us home ).

In Christ is Reconciliation ( dealing with the separation ).

In Christ is Forgiveness.

Christ becomes the Way to the Father.

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