Barry Adams …friend and writer of “the Father’s Love Letter”..... some great free downloadable talks over two years www.fatherheart.tv/barry-adams
James Jordan Fatherheart Ministries… friend and main carrier of the revelation of the Fatherheart of God in world today www.fatherheart.net
Fatherheart Ireland…. Friends Jim and Irene Hall from Belfast … if you want to network over in Ireland on Fatherheart www.fatherheartireland.net
Fatherheart Scotland…..friends John and Fiona Macdonald .. If you want to network in Scotland on Fatherheart
Mark Gyde ‘A Father to you’ … friend and great web-site with lots of good stuff on Father’s Love
Mathilde Oord …. My friend from Norway and designer of this web-site …. Perhaps check out her blog
New Life Christian Community – my vibrant and loving church community www.newlifemilnrow.co.uk
Iris Global …. Amazing Missionary organization making a huge difference in Africa and beyond
Andy and Wendy Green…my friends , my producer, musician and sound recordist, who do amazing work helping me put together albums … also a big part of the band if I do gigs And now producing cds of their own.
James Oldham … musician, friend, video expert
Edwin van Splunter…. Musician, friend, all round great guy from Holland … done some great albums … listen to some of his stuff on youtube and you’ll be hooked: here is an example
Julie True … love Julie’s music to soak to
Ruth Hill… beautiful singer , musician , worshipper at Vinelife Manchester: I listen to Ruth’s album a lot
Jeff Scaldwell… friend , who really introduced me to the message of Father’s Love , Jeff also inspired me to goforit and the Album Father’s Love was birthed … the rest is His story
Walthru the Bible … great organization , teaching overviews of the OT and NT in a day … everyone should do one of these days which are life-changing
Geir and Ingerborg Hansen , my friends and CD stockists in Norway