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Father's Love 2
The sequel to Father’s Love and more of the same …..
God the Father invites you to walk with Him ( Cool of the Day ), as He sings His song over you and tells you “I love you “ “ You are wonderfully made “ and how much He desires to bless you ( I am Your Father ) … Finallly Try Running into His loving arms and resting in His embrace.
Songs of sons and daughters
We are the Father’s sons and daughters. We are the Father’s prize, We are the Father’s pleasure. We are His favourite place to be , the place where He chooses to dwell. His plan was always to have us close to Him as His children. We honour The Father’s Son, Jesus who came to redeem us and be the way back to our Father…Wonderful sacrifice of Jesus… worthy is the Lamb.
We can be a little child, trusting our Father, Abba, Papa, Daddy. We can pray to our Father, whose is the power and the Kingdom forever. We can wake and walk in our Father’s smile and love each day. We want to be like God our Father, and His Son sharing His love with others.
We ask that our arms may be His arms , as we share Father’s love.
Jesus Beautiful Name
This is a burst of Jesus joy, a bit of a jig, a touch of Spanish, with a hint of Eastern, a tap of the feet and gentle soaking. The album paints a picture of my Saviour, friend and brother, Jesus whilst He was on earth; walking, running in His white robe and sandals, holding, hugging, laughing , smiling, living life, living free, alive, vibrant, abundant, loving, dancing, blessing children....
Jesus with His name in lights, not a swear word - sweet name of Jesus.
Joining with the Angels
Joining with the Angels is based on the vibe of the song “Walkin in Memphis” and is one of the few communal ‘worship /praise’ songs I have written. You are my Fortress was written shortly after my mum died. Psalm 91 from which the words are taken continues to be a comfort and encouragement. Fairest Lord Jesus speaks of many beautiful pictures and experiences with God who is Creator and comes to take up residence in the Christian who ‘builds His house’. Overshadow me is a wonderful picture of Holy Spirit hovering over creation.
Father's Love Instrumental
If you prefer just to soak in His love without words this album a number of the songs from Father’s Love 1 and 2 , with some extra instrumentals added.