Poem 8 .. The scar
A real experience I remember so vividly from when I was 12 ... the scar still remains , but the pain has gone ... instead I remember the...

Poem 7 Sad now
A poem about comfort with another to follow tomorrow Father Son and Holy Spirit are all described as Comforter in the Bible A fun poem ,...

Poem 6 The mud pool
Carrying on from yesterday's theme of coming into freedom and the spacious place , away from dank , dark , dead religion... Sorry quite...

Poem 5 The Spacious place
I believe legalistic , rule-driven religion brings us into a place of 'control' , and restrictions ..... full of 'cannot' , 'should nots'...

Poem 4 Terezin - the Final Solution ?
Poem 4 ( in no particular order ) - this written following a harrowing visit to a Nazi holding camp in the Czech Republic Several years...

Poem 3 Child at the seaside
Good morning ... A lot of my teaching about God as our Father comes from everyday experiences .. I often use stories when I teach ......

Poem 2 - The Haircut
The poem yesterday was deep and meaningful... this one is also but in a fun and different way ... it involves me taking my grandson to...

I have been spending the last few weeks writing poetry / prose and have enjoyed the process I will post them here one a day for two...

Great time over the water in Belfast
So I’ve just been to Belfast with my friends at Fatherheart Ireland Thanks to William and Charmaine for your hospitality and friendship...

The Good news .... the gospel
So here goes .... a simple message that for me sums up the Gospel in case anyone didn't get it ... no big words here !! In the beginning...